2468 grafts by FUE - Dr Ball, The Maitland Clinic

Gary underwent a follicular unit excision (FUE) hair transplant to the frontal half of his scalp, performed by Dr Edward Ball at The Maitland Clinic. He was an excellent candidate, with a donor density of 80-90 follicular units per cm2. Gary had very well defined borders to his areas of hair loss, indicating that his pattern of balding is unlikely to extend dramatically further in the future.

Dr Ball is only keen to operate when he is confident that the supply of donor hair will allow him to create a lifelong natural-looking result. Gary was a good candidate because his ratio of donor hair supply to recipient area demand was favourable and his expectations were realistic. He shared Dr Ball’s desire to focus on creating a natural-looking result and to consider the long term implications of the procedure. Gary was happy to have a mature hairline position and willing to undergo a second procedure for crown coverage in the future.

The surgical plan involved transplanting 2468 grafts by FUE to recreate a mature hairline and add coverage to the frontal half of the scalp. The hairline design was intended to frame the face, with age-appropriate proportions and to be high enough to allow coverage beyond the mid scalp, ensuring a natural appearance when paired with a bald crown.

Gary’s graft breakdown:
Total: 2468 grafts
1s: 566
2s: 834
3&4s: 1068

Gary recently underwent his planned second surgery in which 1368 grafts were transplanted into his crown. We look forward to sharing the results of that procedure in approximately 12 months time.

Here are the results of Gary’s first FUE procedure, 18 months after transplanting 2468 grafts to the frontal half of his scalp.

More hair transplant results from Dr Edward Ball at can be seen in The Maitland Clinic website results gallery.