Case dr. lupanzula - medikemos clinic: 3112 ufs, fue, front and mid scalp

Hi everyone!
I have the pleasure of presenting you with a case treated by Dr. Lupanzula on a 38-year-old patient.

The patient’s goal was to obtain a natural look as well as adequate density and coverage of all areas with particular emphasis on the frontal area and the Midscalp. The patient is scheduled for a second session to reshape the crown, the only area that has not been treated yet.

Dr. Lupanzula managed to extract 3112 follicular units via Fue of which 772 were single, 1976 double, and 137 triple.

Worth mentioning is the excellent result achieved with a homogeneous coverage despite the vastness of the areas and despite the fact that the doctor reported a particular difficulty during the extraction of the follicular units due to the presence of fibrotic tissue in the occipital part.

The first photos posted are related to the pre and immediate post-surgery phases.

keep following us, and we will tell you about the progress!