Dr. Bisanga and Dr. Kostis BHR Clinic - 2410 FUE 0 - 12 Months With Video

This patient came to us after initial extensive research online and decided that it was time to address his recession that he had been hiding through styling his hair in a certain way. The recession can be clearly seen with how far back and deep grafts were placed once the area was more exposed post shaving down.

The patient kept a good timeline of surgery through to result that represents a period just short of 12 months and additionally the patient recorded a short video himself that exposes his hairline and hair pushed up from different angles.

Surgery has achieved a very natural and dense hairline inline with the patients objectives and as you can see the fact that surgery has taken place really is completely undetectable.

Many thanks to the patient for sharing his case.

Patient Quote Prior To Surgery:
‘I did online consultations with McGrath, Feriduni, Bicer, Maras, Freitas, HLC and Pekiner before committing to Bisanga. I narrowed it down between Freitas and Bisanga but ultimately went with Bisanga for his reputation, cases similar to mine with stellar results, and the fact that I was able to get an in-person consultation with him in Athens a little over a year ago.’

Patient Quote Post Surgery:
‘I am very happy with my result.’

AGE: 38 at time of surgery
MEDS: Finasteride and Oral Minox

Donor Density - 75/75/80 Average: 77
Dermoscopy - Normal
Miniaturisation - N/A
Hair Groupings - Favourable Hair Groupings

1s: 415/415
2s: 945/1890
3s: 752/2256
4s: 298/1192

TOTAL: 2410/5753 = 2.38 Average.