Dr Bonaros, Glasgow, UK / 4076 FUE grafts / 0-12 Months

Hello everyone,

We are excited to share the results of our patient, a 40-year-old gentleman who underwent a Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE) hair transplant procedure at our clinic in Glasgow. Dr Bonaros performed the procedure, which involved transplanting 4076 grafts, or 7573 hairs, to restore his crown area and receding hairline.

The patient had been keeping his hair shaved due to hair loss. The grafts were extracted using a 0.85 mm motorized punch and implanted using sharp Implanter Pens.

Graft breakdown: 1-Hair FUs: 1361 grafts -- 1361 hairs 2- Hair FUs: 1977 grafts -- 3954 hairs 3-Hair FUs: 695 grafts -- 2085 hairs 4-Hair FUs: 42 grafts -- 168 hairs 5-Hair FUs: 1 graft - 5 hairs

4076 grafts - 7573 Hairs
Hairs/Grafts Ratio: 1.86​

We have included several images below, showcasing the patient’s hair before, immediately after, and twelve months after the procedure.
If you have any questions or would like more information about our clinic and the FUE hair transplant procedure, please feel free to ask. We’re here to help!