Dr. Jean Devroye, HTS Clinic / 3523 FUE / NW V, 1 session

Dr. Jean Devroye, HTS Clinic / 3523 FUE / NW V, 1 session photo


✓** 29 years old**,** NW V, with a hair loss history in his family (father and maternal grandfather).

Started taking Finasteride 1 year before the surgery.

✓ Average caliber hair.

Normal follicular units.

Average % of hair in telogen phase.


This 29-year-old gentleman presented a quite advanced baldness, grade V on the Norwood scale.

Finasteride was prescribed 1 year before undergoing the surgery in order to stabilize his hair loss and improve his native hair quality.

Given the important surface to be treated, I recommended him to focus on the anterior and midscalp areas reconstruction during the first session. Since the patient wished to be able to wear his hair short afterwards, we agreed upon performing a FUE procedure using exclusively scalp hair grafts.

In February 2020, the patient received a total of 3523 FUE grafts during two consecutive surgery days. Below you can appreciate his evolution until the 14th post-operative month mark under different lighting conditions. He is understandably ecstatic about the results achieved so far.

He is currently considering undergoing a second session later on this year in order to complete his hair restoration journey by covering the vertex area. As usual we will be happy to share further photographic material when we will meet him again.


✓ 3523** grafts

Technique : **FUE

✓** Donor area : Scalp

FUE scoring and extractions executed with my WAW system, now widely used in the sphere of FUE. It consists of a very precise pedal that enables to control the movement of the punch, that I also designed myself. The main advantage is to reduce substantially the number of damaged and transected hair, thus to raise the quality of the procedure. The system is now used worldwide and several dozens of surgeons or centres are already using it.

Incisions : **40-45/cm2

✓** Grafts Breakdown :
☞ 620 Single FUE grafts
☞ 1586 Double FUE grafts
☞ 1227 Triple FUE grafts
☞ 90 Quadruple FUE grafts

Total number of Hair : **7833

✓** Average Hair/Graft : **2.22

Dr. Jean Devroye**