FUE and Strip combination Hair Transplant

This patient came to see Dr. Cooley five years ago to see what could be done for his receding hairline and general thinning. Dr. Cooley and the patient agreed to do a strip procedure where 2000 grafts were harvested. Dr. Cooley also prescribed Propecia to help prevent further loss and to potentially enhance the patient’s native hair.

The patient returned four years later to show Dr. Cooley his excellent result. It was at this time that the patient and Dr. Cooley began discussing a second procedure to add additional density to the hairline. Dr. Cooley and the patient agreed to perform a second procedure of 800 grafts via FUE with 700 grafts going into the frontal zone and hairline and 100 grafts going into the FUSS donor scar. The result is shown one year after.