FUE Hair Transplant Result for 3100 Grafts - NW3 – 8 Months After – HDC Hair Clinic

This patient has a naturally low hairline with some hair in the front. He experienced thinning at the temples and behind the front hair, making it difficult to conceal the balding spot. He sought to address the thinning in this area.

The HDC Medical Team, led by Dr. Christina, decided to draw the transplanted hairline behind the existing low hairline and cover the whole thinning front triangle, as shown in the post-operation photos. This was the lowest possible hairline height to ensure a long-term natural appearance.

After 8 months, the results show a thick and natural-looking hairline on both sides, with the transplanted hair blending perfectly with the patient’s native hair.

A well-planned hair transplantation strategy is crucial for achieving a natural and sustainable result.


Immediately after

8 Months after