What does Dr. Hakan DOGANAY Offered

Ahd Clinic Dr. Hakan DOGANAY
Websites: https://www.drhakandoganay.com/

Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE )

has been discovered by Dr. Russman at 2002 .FUE method quickly processed as a modern and acceptable method around the world. First a few years 500-600 grafts were performing but nowadays If donor region capable to obtaining more grafts, combining with body hair to using with improved equipment we can achieved over than 10. 000 grafts.

This method is When you follow routine rules and with suitable candidate could obtain excellent result without causing sign of Hair Transplant.
Also it is simply extracting grafts one by one on back of head (between two ears) with using micro motor or manual punch with under the local anesthesia.
Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE ) also required experience staff who is in charge for using Micro motor or Manual Punch. The angle of Punch must be set up correctly while extracting grafts also grafts must be taken homogeneously, therefore, we have only two nurses in charge for this procedure who has over than 6 years of experience.


Choi Implanter is generally considered the original implanter pen device, and originated from the Kyungpook National University (KNU) in Korea. The idea behind this first implanter device was simple: to combine the act of making recipient incisions and implanting follicular units.
Normally, anywhere from 2-6 Choi implanters are used concurrently during a procedure, and the device comes in a variety of needle sizes to fit single, double, and triple follicular unit grafts.
It is simple and yet so advanced medical procedure with excellent and 100% natural results!
Minimal medical treatment is needed because the whole procedure is performed very fast.
The procedures doesn’t need for reception holes because for placement of grafts is performing with using Choi Implanter Pen.

There is no need assistant to handle grafts during the procedure.
With using Choi Implanter Pen it is easy to count the grafts because each graft inserting into the needle one by one

Advantages :

The small size of diameter punches (0.6-0.8 mm) leads to faster healing & fewer marks
With Choi Implanter Pen Technique less trauma of the skin, less damage to the local blood supply.
· No cutting No Pain
· Reduced Bleeding
· Minimal risk of infection
· No need assistance for holding grafts during placement
· Saving time, less trauma
· Doesn’t need too much local anesthesia
· Less medication required
· No need full shaved of your Hair
· Recover fast
Disadvantage :
· The team must be consist of over than 6 person for each operation.
· It is expensive due to equipment and more personnel required
· Much more attention is required during to operation.
· More training time needed for physicians and nurses

Creating Hair Line

One of the operations that should be considered is hairline restoration because all patients expect to go back to their previous appearance. The most important thing in hair restoration surgery is to make the hair transplant appear as natural and unnoticeable as possible. The hairline should be symmetrical hence for creating a hairline must be measured by the doctor.

The doctor has to follow general rules while creating hairlines such as hairline planning with patient expectations.

For creating hairline I combine my experience with patient request and expectation that provide better result.

What are the rules for hairline designing?

· Considering patient expectations and ages
· Drawing a simple hairline zone and calculating the number of grafts.
· Natural appearance and density
· The result must be unnoticeable from the outside
· Your hairline should not place to down with unnatural
· To achieve natural appearance your hairline must be fill up with single micro grafts.


As a consequence of fast progress of the FUE method providing to obtaining grafts from your body such as beard hair, and chest hair. Especially the person who doesn’t have enough grafts on back of head (the hairs between two ears) therefore body hair became useful system.
Beard hair transplant to the scalp: Beard hair provides us with FUE mega session as a secondary donor. By combining scalp and hair body hair we can achieve over 5000 grafts which can be performed in two or three days.
Beard hair transplant to beard: Facial hair transplantation is a procedure that restored missing, thinning, hair on your face. Also facial hair transplant provide us to cover scar which was suffered due to accidental or generically happened.
Scalp hair transplant to Beard: Scalp hair also can be used for facial hair transplantation procedures which restored missing, thinning, hair on your face. Also facial hair transplant provide us to cover scar which was suffered due to accidental or generically happened.
Chest hair transplant to the scalp: Unfortunately chest hair transplants perform very rarely because most chest hair is not strong enough for the scalp, therefore, we are very selective for this procedure. We can obtain max 500 grafts from the chest who has thick and strong hair.

· Head Hair Transplantation 2 ¬per graft.
· Beard Hair Transplantation 2,5 per graft.
· Body hair Transplantation 2,5 per graft.
· Manual extraction 2,5 per graft.
The price includes Transportation 3 day’s accommodation at the hospital, Meals and After Care such as special shampoo, cream, and lotion, derma roller, vitamins, Gel for healing, and Proscar.
Note: Your flight ticket is not included in the price.

Appointment : You can make your appointment via e-mail (Operation date) you had better make your appointment 2 months before the operation otherwise you might not get the date that you would like to have your operation done because It might be booked already.
For confirmation of your appointment (operation date), you should send us your flight details or ¬300 advance payment.

Transportation: We will arrange all your transportation from the Airport to the Hospital/Hotel and vice versa At the Airport you will be met by one of our colleagues holding a sign which will be AHD CLINIC or Your name. There will be a translator who is speaking fluent English at the clinic all the time you wouldn’t feel lonely.

Accommodation: AHD CLINIC is located in a private Hospital whose name is PRIVATE OFM HOSPITAL. In this hospital, we have already booked a private room for our patient. The Hospital has a comfortable, adjustable bed, private bathroom, TV and Free Wi-Fi connection.
Meal: During staying in your room you would have Breakfast, Lunch, and Dinner which are cooked in a hygienic environment.

Our price includes aftercare medicines, shampoo, PRP, accommodation, meals, and transportation in the city (not the flight ticket) so that our patients can feel more comfortable during their operation times in Turkey. For our reasonable prices: Dr. Hakan Doganay Prices

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